I’ve found this method using ContextThemeWrapper to be the most consistent. [code]ContextThemeWrapper themeContext = new ContextThemeWrapper(this, R.style.myStyle); View myView = new View(newContext); RelativeLayout.LayoutParams lp = new RelativeL


22 Sep 2015 android - Change ActionBar title position, color, size, font, style programmatically setText("Android Example : ActionBar Title Style"); // Set the text color of TextView // This will change the ActionBar tit

Create your main screen. You should be able to set the layout attributes to the custom attributes defined. Apply theme programatically before you call the super.onCreate() and setContentView() Android: set view style programmatically 172 23 You can’t programmatically set the style of a View, but you might be able to do something like textView.setTextAppearance(context, android.R.style.TextAppearance_Small);. Answer: It is not currently possible to set the style of a View programatically. 2018-08-12 Essentially, create a layout XML file that simply has a